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How can Fintech help transform the housing industry?


The portmanteau "Fintech" has been an increasingly large part of everyday language in recent years. Fintech hasn't just changed our language, it's changed our financial culture. New technologies, like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and predictive behavioural analytics, have the potential to take the guesswork and habit out of financial decisions. 

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Exponential-e shoots up The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100, fuelled by SD-DP and customer satisfaction


Today we are delighted to announce that Exponential-e has been listed at 46 in The Sunday Times BDO Profit Track 100 - a rise of 43 places following o...

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Making sense of the Cloud-buzz: what quick wins are available to establish Business and Security value?


On Thursday 25th April, Exponential-e held a Financial Services and Insurance roundtable event at 'M Restaurant' in Victoria, London. The event brough...

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  2918 Hits

Why digital transformation (DX) is the engine powering advancements in the life sciences industry.

The life sciences ecosystem encompasses organisations from big pharma to biotech start-up, third sector to private equity / VC, all ultimately striving to positively impact people's lives and deliver tangible patient outcomes in an increasingly complex health environment. However, in this digital age, their noble work risks diminishing returns if technological progression is not embraced, and DX is not adopted - after all, no one wants to get left behind.
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How to simplify multi-Cloud management


In recent years, Cloud has become popular with organisations due to its simplicity, accessibility and relatively low-cost. Using Cloud, you can avoid many of the difficulties and expenditures that come with operating your own infrastructure, and - because it's easily accessible from anywhere - Cloud can give your users much more flexibility than on-prem legacy infrastructure.

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Helping charities continue to make a difference in the midst of COVID-19

Amidst all the stress of lockdown, it's been heartening to see some of the ways in which people have pulled together to support each other, and the work charities all over the UK have been doing to ensure the vulnerable are protected and the NHS receives the support it needs. However, as with many other sectors, COVID-19 has pushed many charities' IT infrastructures to their limit, as they are not only forced to adapt to the Government's remote working requirements, but also rethink their approach to fundraising.
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Ensuring home working benefits staff, families and organisations alike

There's no doubt that home working is here to stay. While it may have initially been deployed at large scale out of necessity, in response to COVID-19, it is clear that we are witnessing the dawn of a fully distributed workforce. However, as organisations continue to invest in new solutions to drive this change, it's important to remember that these are still the early days. We've never seen home working at this sort of scale, which means we need to establish a new standard of best practice and - equally importantly - the technology to support this.
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Managed and Professional Services: How complementary solutions are becoming critical ones


Throughout the past few months, we have seen organisations' internal teams forced to adapt their processes, infrastructure and strategies in ways that would previously have been inconceivable. Key to the success of this process has been the support of external service providers, who have complemented companies' internal expertise and freed IT teams to focus their attention where it is most needed. As it becomes clear that the distributed workforce is here to stay, such partnerships are going to be more important than ever moving forward.

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Cloud storage rises to the challenges presented by COVID-19


We see over and over again how COVID-19 is transforming the way we work and connect with each other. Employees across virtually every industry are now working effectively from home, even if such an arrangement would have been unthinkable at the start of this year. It's been extremely heartening to see the range of innovations that have been embraced in response to the crisis, but it's important not to forget the foundations of your IT infrastructure as you explore these solutions. For example, consider how you are backing up and storing the lifeblood of your organisation: your data.

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Choosing the right Object Storage solution for your unstructured data

With research from the IDC estimating that 80% of the data created by 2025 will be unstructured [1], businesses need to ensure they have an affordable storage solution for such high volumes of data. A simple, cost-effective solution that businesses can utilise to this effect is Cloud Object Storage, which stores petabytes of data in the Cloud as 'objects'.

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Technology in the Hospitality Industry - Maintaining the Human Touch in the Age of Social Distancing


2020 has proven a challenging time for the global hospitality sector. As with virtually every industry impacted by COVID-19, the sector has been forced to completely re-evaluate the way it delivers its services, in order to comply with government regulations and - most importantly - guarantee the continued safety of both guests and staff.

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IT, Network and Connectivity for Professional Services


Any organisation delivering professional services of any sort - from architecture and accountancy to engineering or recruitment - relies on ...

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What is digital pathology, and how is it helping the Healthcare sector realise the full potential of its data?


The healthcare sector generates higher volumes of patient data on a daily basis than ever before - all of which conceals a rich vein of opportunities to optimise efficiency and enhance patient care. The demand for more efficient diagnosis and more effective management of data has naturally led to the rise of digital pathology and - in turn - the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) that underpin these initiatives.

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Retail 4.0: Envisioning a new era of sustainable shopping


When it comes to building brand loyalty, customers increasingly expect the retailers they shop from - whether that's online, in person, or via click-and-collect - to demonstrate tangible efforts to operate in an ethical, sustainable, and environmentally friendly manner in everything they do.

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Hospitality & Leisure is getting ready to bounce back


With lockdown restrictions finally easing, and the public looking forward to enjoying the different activities they have been deprived of for the past two years, it's certainly an exciting time for the UK's Hospitality & Leisure sector. But as hotels get ready to open their doors again, it is essential that hospitality professionals do not lose sight of the challenges that will be involved.

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Sustainability and social responsibility in the AEC sector

Adopting a more sustainable, environmentally friendly approach to projects is a critical priority for the UK's AEC sector, both due to the launch of manifestos such as Architects Declare and Construction Declares, and growing recognition of the BREEAM standard - which set out clear sustainability goals for the sector - and growing environmental awareness amongst both businesses and the general public.
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  2642 Hits

The Retail sector is fundamentally changing, and technology has a critical role to play

The past decade has been a challenging one for the Retail sector, to say the least. Much has already been written about the impact of online shopping and streaming services on the high street, and the rise of COVID-19 and recent supply chain disruptions have only compounded the challenges facing even the most established brick-and-mortar retailers.
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  1200 Hits

HMPPS’ Telemedicine programme and the power of technology as a force for social change

The public sector's relationship with technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, as familiar legacy systems are increasingly phased out in favour of leading-edge digital infrastructure that offers levels of scalability, sustainability, and operational resilience that would previously have been dismissed as impossible.
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It is a challenging time for the Manufacturing sector, but focusing on operational efficiency can still provide the leading edge


The past few years have been challenging for the global Manufacturing sector, with both Brexit and COVID-19 creating a wide range of operational disruptions whose impact is still being felt. Indeed, as recently as January 2023, we saw UK manufacturing shrinking for the sixth consecutive month1.

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  1679 Hits

Data-driven manufacturing - laying the foundation for tomorrow’s interconnected workflows


Manufacturing workflows are evolving at an unprecedented rate, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down. The increasing effectiveness and affordability of 'smart' technologies and the Internet of Things means IT and OT are increasingly interconnected, with increasing volumes of data flowing between sites and devices on an ongoing basis.

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  1291 Hits