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We are all contact centre agents now


Here's why that's a good thing…

"In the new contact centre, we're no longer reliant on hunt groups, and can onboard new services and new desks very easily, which has allowed for a much higher level of agility in terms of how we connect and collaborate with our colleagues and partners. We've also got a much higher level of control, so we don't need to go through our IT teams to make changes or updates when we need to, and can constantly refine our call flows."

Stacey Whyte, NHS Digital

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NHS Digital


Bespoke technology solutions for the UK healthcare sector's digital pioneer About NHS Digital NHS Digital is the entire UK health and social care syst...

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HSCN – A digital aid to vital health and care organisations


When N3 contracts expired in March 2017, NHS Digital was faced with the challenge of replacing it. The idea was to replace a long-term single supplier contract with a marketplace of network options. 

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