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Contact Centre
Maturity Assessment

Hands-on support to optimise your strategy,
structure, and brand

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Elevate Contact Centre Excellence: Expert Assessment & Insights for Success

Elevate Contact Centre Excellence: Expert Assessment & Insights for Success

Our Contact Centre Maturity Assessment is intended for organisations who are ready to make the contact centre a critical part of customer contact strategies that supports service excellence at all levels.

The Assessment is a multi-faceted process, utilising one-to-one consultations, surveys, and three one-day workshops - all conducted by our own experts. This process is bespoke to your organisation and your teams, ensuring the desired insights can be achieved as quickly as possible, with minimal disruption.

These findings will be collated and analysed in-depth to establish your overall maturity rating. All findings will be collated in a comprehensive, easy-to-navigate report, setting out the next steps. If further support is required around specific areas, our experts will be on hand to advise further.

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Elevate Contact Centre Excellence: Expert Assessment & Insights for Success
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Develop a deeper understanding of these seven key areas:

Business intelligence and analytics.
Implement real-time analysis of every customer interaction, to establish a culture on non-stop improvement.

Organisation, structure, strategy, and brand.
Establish the contact centre’s role within your organisation and ensure it is aligned with your long-term business goals.

Streamline routine operations and ensure a seamless flow of data, freeing agents to focus on your customers.

Contact centre practices.
Understand industry best practices and ensure they are followed throughout every stage of the customer journey.

Keep people at the centre of everything, ensuring agents are able to effortlessly combine their expertise to deliver successful outcomes.

Team agility.
Navigate changes in the landscape, and ensure agents are always prepared to manage the most challenging, unexpected cases.

Architecture and design.
Develop an underlying technology infrastructure that actively supports every aspect of customer service excellence.

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A truly bespoke approach to achieving
better customer service

The Contact Centre Maturity Assessment was created to make our full range of customer service expertise readily accessible
in a way that delivers the greatest possible benefits, regardless of which sector you operate in, and the size of your contact centre. Our experts work closely with your own teams to design and deliver an assessment process that not only minimises disruption to your daily processes, but ensures the final report not only provides a clear breakdown of where you currently are in terms of your contact centre maturity, but provides a clear, actionable roadmap to bring you where you want to be.

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We deliver peace-of-mind
for our contact centre solutions

In the Contact Centre you need to be ready for anything to protect your brand.
We go the extra-mile to deliver the right Contact Centre strategy for your needs. Watch the video to see more..

A comprehensive assessment to help you identify and act upon areas for improvement across your contact centre operation, covering everything from best practice, to communication and collaboration, long-term strategy, branding, and automation – all delivered by our own contact centre specialists.

Applying our customer-first philosophy to the contact centre

Rolling 3 month average. Industry average: 17

Applying our
customer-first philosophy to the contact centre

Across Exponential-e, we aspire to the highest standard of customer service in everything we do. That’s why we were the first company to display our NPS score live on our website. This customer-first philosophy informs our Contact Centre Consultancy services, bringing together our in-depth knowledge of leading-edge contact centre technologies and our understanding of the new breed of customer journey.

Fully Accredited

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9 x ISO Accreditations.

9 x ISO Accreditations
9 x ISO Accreditations
ISO9001: Quality Management ISO27001: Information Security ISO22301: Business Continuity
ISO27017: Private Cloud Security ISO20000: IT Service Management ISO14001: Environmental Management
ISO50001: Energy Management BS10012: Data Protection CSA Star Cloud Security
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Secure by design.

Secure by design
Secure by design

Secure by design.

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Socially responsible.

Socially responsible
Socially responsible

95% of profits reinvested, 65% reduction in CO2e in last 5 years, NetZero by 2030, Local employer, Job creation for apprentices, PPN06/21 aligned carbon reduction, Green space and environmental improvement initiatives

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Talk to one of our specialists

Contact Sales: 0845 470 4001
Service & Support: 0800 130 3365

London Head Office

100 Leman Street, London, E1 8EU

Manchester Office

1 Spinningfields, Quay Street, Manchester, M3 3JE

Sales: 0845 470 4001
Support Portal Login
Service & Support: 0800 130 3365


*Calls to 0845 numbers will cost 7p p/m plus your phone company’s access charge. All inbound and outbound calls may be recorded for training or quality purposes.

*Calls to 0845 numbers will cost 7p p/m plus your phone company’s access charge.
All inbound and outbound calls may be recorded for training or quality purposes.