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Why cyber security must remain a priority as students return to the classroom


As students finally make their long-awaited return to the classroom, it is important that schools, colleges, and other institutes of education do not lose sight of the increasingly complex cyber security landscape they must navigate, and ensure the lessons learned throughout lockdown continue to be acted upon.

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Middlesex University


Ambitious University turns to the Cloud to drive responsiveness to new research, teaching & business opportunities. About Middlesex University Mid...

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How resiliency is key in the current climate, including our Education system.

Over the last week, school leaders have risen to the challenges of the current crisis.It is a reminder of the responsiveness and resilience of our education system, and for those that are living on another planet (or wish they were at the moment!), the government is closing schools as of today to the vast majority of students. Children of key (critical) workers are still able to attend to ensure medical and transport staff can remain at work, but what does this mean for the other students?
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